👋 Hi I am

Julia Omelyanchenko

Front-end developer, based in Ukraine Ukraine

Featured Project which my best projects be choice to show


Coffea arabica, also known as the Arabic coffee, is a species of flowering plant in the coffee and madder family Rubiaceae. It is believed to be the first species of coffee to have been cultivated and is currently the dominant cultivar, representing about 60% of global production. Coffee produced from the (less acidic, more bitter, and more highly caffeinated) robusta bean (C. canephora) makes up most of the remaining coffee production.

Cup of coffee

Weather app

I built a Vanilla JavaScript weather app in SheCodes Plus, an advanced 8-week JavaScript coding workshop. Building upon my previously-gained knowledge, I also became skilled in Bootstrap, API’s, real-life development workflow, hosting, and advanced JavaScript. I combined all of these skills to create a fully-functioning weather app.

Launch Weather App

🥐 Croissant

A croissant is a buttery, flaky, viennoiserie pastry of Austrian origin, named for its historical crescent shape. Croissants and other viennoiserie are made of a layered yeast-leavened dough
